Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Is Your True Love Worth $107,000 For Christmas?

Exactly How Much Does the “12 Days of Christmas” Cost?
By: Aquarius Cain

We sing the Christmas carol, The 12 Days of Christmas, every year for the holidays.  Many people make their own funny renditions of it about their job, friends, family, etc.  We even created one in my family that we sang on Christmas Eve that included 12 rolls of tissue and a Strawberry Daiquiri.  There have been red-neck versions and even ghetto versions. QuadCity DJ’s even created a radio hit with their version titled WhatYou Want For Christmas. The 12 Days of Christmas is a fun song to sing, even if you can’t sing.  And who doesn't love a great Christmas Carol for the holidays?

But have you ever stopped to think about how much it would cost for your “true love” to buy these things for you? According to an article in the USA TODAY, it would cost $107,300 for your sweetheart to purchase the Twelve Days of Christmas. He/she must REALLY love you because that’s a hefty price tag!

Here is the breakdown, item, by item according to PNC Wealth Management: 

— Partridge, $15

— Pear tree, $189.99

— Two turtle doves, $125

— Three French hens, $165

— Four calling birds (canaries), $519.96

— Five gold rings, $750

— Six geese a-laying, $210

— Seven swans a-swimming, $7,000  

— Eight maids a-milking, $58

— Nine ladies dancing (per performance), $6,294

— 10 lords a-leaping (per performance), $4,767

— 11 pipers piping (per performance), $2,562

— 12 drummers drumming (per performance), $2,776

I know some of you are checking the math list twice…this only adds up to $25,431.95. How then did they come up with $107,300? The analysts calculated based on what the “true love” gave EACH DAY.  Check out the article, “Cost of '12 Days of Christmas' tops $107,000,” for a deeper economic explanation to The 12 Days of Christmas, on

“Is your true love worth the hefty price tag of $107,300 for the 12 days of Christmas?" We would love to hear your comments. Please respond and thanks for sharing this story with others.

About the author:

Aquarius Cain is the CEO of Accelerated LearningEducational Services. She is a full-time tutor with more than ten years of combined teaching and tutoring experience.  As an educator, Mrs. Cain is a lover of learning and any opportunity she gets to spread knowledge, she does, in her own unique way!

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  1. Hummm, Yes my wifey is worth $107,000, but ummmmm....I can only afford the MAIDS, PEAR TREE & rest will have to be on a payment

    1. Your wife must be really special for you to be willing to give her those things, even if it is on a payment plan. Lol!

  2. wait, scratch that, take the PEAR TREE off, Change that to the TWO TURTLE DOVES....much


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