Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How To Be Successful in School: Part I


By Aquarius Cain
(CEO of Accelerated Learning Educational Services)


Do you spend a lot of time looking for homework and assignments?

Is your locker or book bag packed with crumpled pieces of paper?

Do you feel stressed because you constantly lose things?

Are your grades slipping because of missing/lost assignments or incomplete assignments?

Do you find yourself making excuses about why you don’t have your work?

If you can’t answer these questions with a solid “NO” 

In order to organize your life, you need to:

Ø  Organize your papers/notebook

Ø  Organize your backpack

Ø  Organize your locker

Ø  Organize your workspace

Ø  Organize your schedule

To be organized, you must first de-clutter your locker, back pack, and notebook; sort through the papers and separate them by subject.  DON’T THROW ANYTHING AWAY…YOU MAY NEED IT LATER!

Organize Your Notebook

Notebook Contents 

·         3-ring binder: 2” rings or larger w/pockets in the covers

·         5-6 colored tab subject dividers (colored construction paper works)

·         Zipper pouch to store supplies (hole punched zip-lock bags work)

·         2+ pens & pencils

·         Filler paper

·         Assignment Calendar for EACH CLASS

·         Divider pouches (for papers with no holes)

·         Highlighters

·         Ruler/hole puncher

·         Calculator
Color code your notebooks to make it easier to stay organized    

·         Assign every subject a color

·         Match your notebook/binder tab color to the folder color

·         Use colored tabs

·         On journals & workbooks, use a marker to stripe the pages with the color for that subject


Try to keep your notebook in a particular order so that it’s easier to find things

·         Put a front cover on your binder

·         For Each section/subject

o   Divider (preferably with pockets)

o   Completed assignments that need to be turned in (front pocket)

o   Calendar/assignment log

o   Notes

o   Handouts

o   Returned assignments/tests

o   Blank paper
Home/School Communication Folder 

Another way to get organized is to have a system to communicate between parents and students by having a: Home/School Communication Folder

How This Works 

1.      At school - put papers for parents in your Home/School Folder

2.      When you get home - put papers in your School Zone (designated area to put papers)

3.      Have parents check School Zone

4.      Put signed papers back in Home/School Communication Folder

5.      Take Home/School Folder back to school & turn in necessary papers

School Zone

·         Special place where you put parent papers, a place your parents check every day

·         Could be a basket or a bulletin board

·         Great place for notes for teacher, field trip permission slips etc.

·         Leave yourself reminder notes in your School Zone


Student Work Area

·         What does your current work area look like?

·         How should it look?

o   It should be neat & clean

o   It should be in a well lit area

o   It should be in a place with no distractions

o   Make sure it is equipped with Necessary supplies

·         You remember more if you do your homework in the same place and same time each night!

Visit www.acceleratedlearningservices.com for resources to help you stay organized.

If you would like for a representative to speak about organization skills at your school, church, or organization, please contact 404-933-2235.

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